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Safety During the COVID-19 

Aerial Safety Plan

The safety of everyone on our job sites is Aerial's utmost priority. In response to the current COVID-19 pandemic Aerial created a "Site-Specific COVID-19 Safety Plan" that is being strictly observed for each project we are working on and according to all state and local laws. Below are some of the general requirements and precautions for our COVID-19 plan we are implementing. Our job sites are fully equipped and we are following a strict protocol for compliance.

  • Daily Safety Stand Down (workers arriving at the site must read and sign the COVID-19 specific Toolbox Talk while maintaining 6ft distance in a group of 10 or smaller)

  • Daily Compliance (every Project Manager is responsible to ensure compliance with COVID-19 safety protocols across all parties on site)

  • Self-Certification Plan (workers must self-certify on a daily basis that they have no signs of fever or measured temperature above 100.3 degrees, no cough or trouble breathing in last 24 hours, that they have not come in close contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19, that they have not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or local public official, that they have not traveled outside of the U.S. in the last 14 days).

  • Cleaning & Decontamination plan (consistent and strict implementation of the cleaning and disinfection of common areas, hard and horizontal surfaces, bathroom facilities, shared equipment and tools; added signage that relays COVID-19 cleaning and decontamination procedures in both English & Spanish installed at highly visible areas throughout the site)

  • No-congregation rule - Social Distancing (for site offices, all project meetings will take place virtually, all Project Engineers, Architects and all Project Service Team work remotely, all critical on-site meetings are held within 10 person meeting limit and 6 ft separation rule, plans for avoiding "pinch points" such as lunchrooms/large break areas etc., workers wearing eye protection/gloves/masks, non-essential visits to the job site are discouraged with strict temperature screening for anyone requesting access, added signage of no-congregation both in English & Spanish)  

  • Personal Protective Equipment (wearing gloves, masks)

  • Additional Hand washing Stations

  • Personal Hygiene and Temperature Screening (set of rules covering washing hands, not sharing the utensils, cover-up when sneezing, avoid touching eyes etc.; temperature screening is required to enter the site and Temperature Screening Protocol must be followed)

  • Mandatory Reporting Guidelines (in case anyone observes symptoms, has traveled outside the country, has direct contact with infected individual)

  • Guidelines in the Event a Person On-site Tests Positive for Coronavirus (strict set of rules for immediate reporting when testing positive, investigation of the direct contacts exposure on the site, informing Client and all other parties involved, re-opening of the project after cleaning and after being safe again, official return to work authorization)

Strict observance of the Safety Plan and all protocols is required by all workers, sub-contractors, clients, visitors and all Aerial Team members

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