Clean the frame surfaces.
Use a glass cleaner or mild detergent.
Clean tracks and weep holes.
Check weather stripping and hardware.
Clean your insulating glass with proper cleaning agents.
Choose certified windows and exterior glass doors.
Read and understand your manufacturer’s warranty and install per the manufacturer’s instructions.
Use a razor blade, putty knife or abrasive pad.
Use any petroleum-based cleaners or solvents.
Use oil-based lubricants or damage weep hole covers/baffles.
Live with poor performing components.
Add attachments to window or glass without approval from the window manufacturer.
Settle for products that do not meet important air, water, structural, forced entry and thermal performance standards.
Frame Cleaning
Vacuum dirt from sill and track areas before washing.
Clean window and door frames with a mixture of mild dish soap and water.
Abrasive or caustic cleaners or solvents are never recommended because they might cause permanent damage to the frame finish.
Mild, nonabrasive soaps are usually safest for most dirt and stain removal.
Always rinse completely with clear water and wipe dry.
Check to make certain that drainage or “weep” holes are always clear of dirt or obstructions-both inside and outside the window or door in the bottom of the frame. Note: If the window is “stacked,” there may be weep holes between units.
Glass Care
Never use any petroleum-based cleaners, or caustic chemicals on your glass.
Never use a razor blade, putty knife or abrasive pad to clean the glass.
Do not use a high-pressure spray nozzle when rinsing your windows after washing.
All of these practices may damage the glass surface, the insulating glass seal, or component parts.
Clean glass with a mixture of mild dish soap and water. Rinse completely with clear water, then wipe dry with a soft cloth to avoid water spots.
Avoid washing glass in direct sunlight.
Abrasive or caustic cleaners are never recommended because they might cause permanent damage to the finish or the glass.
Clean screens by first removing, then washing on a flat, clean surface with mild soap and water and a soft brush. Rinse, wipe dry and reinstall.
Drainage Systems
Windows and doors often have a simple drainage system or “weep” system designed right into the product. These water drainage pathways must be kept clear and clean for the window or door to operate correctly.
It’ s normal for water to accumulate in the sill or track area with wind driven rain. The water is intended to drain to the outside as water builds up or outside pressure subsides.
Keep sill or track areas clean of dirt or debris.
Use a small, soft bottlebrush to clear openings.
Make sure that outside and inside “weep” holes and sill are kept clear of any dirt, stucco, sand or building materials.
Windows can be vulnerable to water leakage at the corners if not properly maintained. If a crack appears, it should be sealed with a good grade of sealant according to the manufacturer ’s instructions.
Condensation & Mold
Window condensation can be a natural occurrence. It can be a warning that excessive moisture is present and may cause structural deterioration and the possibility of mold growth.
Condensation on the inside of a window is a result of a higher air moisture content contacting lower temperatures on the glass. The higher the interior humidity and the lower the outside window temperature, the more condensation can occur.
Excessive interior humidity can lead to structural damage and health concerns if high moisture levels are sustained inside wall cavities. Wood rot, mold and mildew can result.
Check all sash for smooth adequate operation. Ad integrated window ventilators and air exchange devices if necessary.
Regularly use exhaust fans especially when showering.
Install and use a dehumidifier. Use ceiling fans to circulate air.
Open windows and doors whenever practical or possible to allow interior moisture to escape.
Hardware Maintenance and Smooth Operation Tips
Moving parts in hardware components and tracks & rollers should be lubricated periodically in accordance with the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions. In salt-air environments this can mean at least monthly.
Ironmongery parts do not require much care. Give the moving parts a few drops of acid-free oil a few times a year, so they continue to move smoothly. Use an oil that you would use for sewing machines, K-40 or similar.
Check weather stripping around operable window and door panels and be sure it seals evenly.
On sliding doors and windows, make sure that the track area is kept clean. Vacuum as needed to clear dirt or any debris.
Adjust sliding door rollers for proper height clearances. Most door rollers can be adjusted with a screwdriver through access holes in either the end or side of the sliding panel at the bottom.
Rolling screen doors may be adjusted to run smoothly. Use a screwdriver – often in all four corners – to make adjustments.
After making door roller adjustments it may be necessary to make adjustments in the lock strike placement. Most strikes may be adjusted by loosening screw fasteners, moving strike plate and tightening. Check for proper lock operation.